Rocky Mountain Update.

It’s funny…I thought as soon as Kim and I got to work at KBM and had regular high speed internet access again for the first time in over 6 months, we’d be posting to our blogs more often! Wrong! At least so far. But to be fair to ourselves, we’re STILL getting settled.Our ministry partnership newsletter will go out next week and Kim’s written plenty of information about our move and our new jobs.The short of it is: I’m lovin’ it. I have been going hardcore all day long for the past week or two now, but getting the blessed privilege of being on a staff of talented sharp people who are passionate about pursuing what we believe God has called us to do together at KBM. Exciting stuff for me.So far, lovin’ our neighborhood, learning to love suburban life and find the really neat things about this wild city off Denver. I’ve yet to experience such a “starting over.”Kim and I celebrated 8 years of marriage today and can’t believe it. Moreso than that, Kim figured out that in July, we’ll have been together for 5,000 days since our first date!! Amazing. God has blessed us SO much.Other late news is that we’re getting connected with Compassion International. One of our speakers at KBM has recently reconnected with them and challenged us each to pray about sponsoring a kid. I got on my knees in front of the packets he had brought for us to all to look at and felt God leading us to sponsor two lovely South American teenage girls. Their names are Heira (Ay-EER-a) and Carmen.We’ll let you know what we learn about them as we get plugged in–but it’s interesting–I didn’t expect it, but I’m totally excited about making this commitment to them. Perhaps it’s a paternal thing, perhaps it’s the excitement of taking a step (or another step) in faith. Not sure. But our lives are getting affected by this move out here in ways we never imagined. Again, more later.We are incredibly thankful for the provision of God through our team of supporters and look forward to what lies ahead. I’ll keep you posted, and hopefully with more frequency.Much Love…

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